

Erasmus+ is the new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport for the period from 2014 to 2020, which aims at advancing skills and employability, as well as updating Education, Training and Youth work. It will provide opportunities for studying, training and establishing cooperation among higher education institutions from programme countries and partner countries.

Promotion and implementation of Erasmus+ programme in Serbia, as far as education parts are concerned, is delegated to the National Erasmus+ office in Serbia. The aims of the Erasmus+ programme in the field of education and training are:

  • To enhance and support the development of all levels of education and training
  • To strengthen the links among formal and informal education and learning
  • To enhance cooperation between education and labour market
  • To create additional values for the European education and European dimension in education
  • To support cooperation among participating countries in defining education policies


Erasmus+ programme also focuses on strengthening the potential of Youth for active participation in civil society, development of leadership skills, solidarity and understanding among cultures.

Erasmus+ promotes recognition of qualifications in education, open access to education materials, documents and media created through funded projects, an international dimension of activity, multilingualism, equity and inclusion.

The most significant change in 2019 for higher education institutions in Serbia is the possession of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education as a prerequisite for any participation in the programme. A new reference is that Serbia is in the group of Programme Countries, together with EU members, including Island, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey and Macedonia. These countries can participate fully in all parts of the programme. Organizations from Serbia can be partners in all types of projects to, organizations and institutions from other countries that submit applications to their national agencies, which significantly increased the possibilities for financing projects.

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education – ECHE

The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education is a document on the basis of which the European Commission awards accreditation to higher education institutions from programme countries which enabling them to compete and participate in Erasmus + projects. It contains the basic principles higher education institutions must respect in order to be able to participate in the Programme. The Erasmus Charter provides a basic framework for the quality of European and international cooperation.

Through the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, the higher education institution is obliged: to fully respect the principles of non-discrimination prescribed by the Programme and to ensure equal access and opportunities for all participants in mobility; to ensure full recognition of the points earned during student mobility; regarding the mobility, to liberate students of any fees for tuition, enrollment, exams, access to laboratories and libraries, etc.

The Erasmus Charter also defines the terms of participation in periods prior to mobility, during mobility and after mobility. The monitoring of the implementation of the Charter principles is carried out by the European Commission in cooperation with national agencies. Higher education institutions from programme countries are obliged to have the Erasmus Charter for higher education so that they can participate in mobility and cooperation projects, while higher education institutions from partner countries, under the principles of the Erasmus Charter, commit themselves to signing an interinstitutional agreement with higher education institutions from the programme country.


The Erasmus+ programme consists of three key actions and two separate parts - Jean Monnet and Sport.


Key Action 1 – Education Mobility

Mobility projects include mobility of students and employees at higher education institutions as well as employees in enterprises, public or private organizations active in the labour market or in the field of education, training and youth among programmes or programmes and partner countries, as follows:

  • student mobility for the purpose of studying;
  • student mobility for the purpose of performing work practices;
  • teaching staff mobility and employees’ mobility with the aim of teaching;
  • teaching staff mobility and employees’ mobility with the aim of improving their professional qualities.


Applications for projects are submitted by higher education institutions from programme countries to their national agencies. They are also coordinators of projects, while higher education institutions from partner countries are in the role of project partners. Higher education institutions from Serbia submit applications for projects to the Tempus Foundation.

Mobility Projects Duration:

• among programme countries, it can be 16 or 24 months

• among programme (including Serbia) and partner countries it can be 24 or 36 months.

Higher education institutions of Serbia from the 2019 tender deadline may be coordinators and partners in projects aimed at the establishment of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Programme. Cooperation of higher education institutions is based on compulsory student mobility among members of the consortium and on the issuance of a joint, double or multiple diploma. It is necessary that at least three higher education institutions from three different programme countries participate in these projects. Depending on whether they include the preparatory year and whether the Joint Master’s  Programme lasts one or two years, the projects may last at least 4 years and at most 6 years.  

Key Action 2 - Institutional Cooperation in the Fields of Education

Strategic partnerships present projects aiming to support the development, transfer and / or implementation of innovative practices, as well as the implementation of joint initiatives to promote cooperation, peer learning and exchange of experiences at the European level.

Accredited higher education institutions and other institutions, organizations and institutions such as schools, non-profit organizations, associations, non-governmental organizations, public or private companies, public bodies, chambers of commerce, professional associations, research institutes, foundations, etc, which are active in the higher education sector of the Republic of Serbia or of any programme country may be participants in strategic partnership projects.

Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2019 projects (CBHE) provide significant opportunities for cooperation among higher education institutions and other institutions and the transfer of good practices from programme countries. They are an important impetus for the modernization of higher education through the development of study programmes, the improvement of institution management and the realization of different types of interaction among higher education sectors and society as a whole.

Projects can last 24 or 36 months.

Joint projects are implemented at the level of higher education institutions. The goals of these projects may be the development and modernization of study programmes, the improvement of the work of various departments at higher education institutions, and the development of other capacities of institutions.

The structural project aims at its goals for structural changes at the level of the higher education system (for example, a project dealing with the systemic financing of higher education, the development of the social dimension of higher education, etc.). In structural projects, the ministry in charge of higher education is required.

Key Action 3  - Improvement of Educational Policies

Serbia can participate in Erasmus + Key Action 3 projects which support policy reform to achieve the goals set by the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training (ET 2020) and the European Youth Strategy.

Jean Monnet

Jean Monnet actions are aimed at promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. Institutions from Serbia can participate in all types of Jean Monnet projects, similar to institutions from around the world. The total allocation of funds for the whole period amounts to 14.7 billion Euros.

Jean Monnet activities are: Jean Monnet Modules, Jean Monnet Chairs and Centres of Excellence, Jean Monnet Networks, Jean Monet Projects, and Jean Monnet Support to Associations. 


You can find more about the Erasmus + programs in:


The Erasmus+ program includes internet portals and networks for cooperation in the field of education and youth: EUROGUIDANCE (

European Career Guidance and Counseling Support Network that promotes the European dimension of career guidance and provides relevant information on career guidance and mobility. EUROPASS ( 

The National Europass Center has been functioning within the Tempus Foundation since 2017 as part of the European network of national centers. This Center is relevant for all organizations and / or institutions, as well as individuals from Serbia interested in using Europass documents. EURYDICE ( 

The Eurydice network provides information on education systems and policies in Europe. EPALE ( 

EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) is a European platform that brings together individuals professionally engaged in adult education in Europe. ECVET ( ECVET is a system for recognition, evaluation and collection of professional skills and knowledge acquired during a stay in another country.

ETWINNING ( eTwinning is an internet portal that connects employees in schools and preschools across Europe.

ERASMUS+ PROJECT RESUTLS ( ERASMUS+ PROJECT RESUTLS is the database of all projects approved so far under the EU Erasmus+ program, all participants and it provides assistance in finding partners for future projects.


European online platform for school education SALTO OTLAS ( Оn the platform of the SALTO-youth resource center you can find new contacts in the world, new project partners or send volunteers to foreign countries.

FUNDING & TENDERS portal ( You can find tenders and project partners on this portal.


Institution's international (EU and non-EU) strategy

Following its tradition of openness, and scientific and professional potentials, the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship continues to invest efforts to promote constructive academic relations with HEIs and relevant institutions worldwide, as well as to promote international exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff. Regarding the main goals, our Faculty has harmonized various aspects of its organization with the European higher education area.
We have implemented a two-cycle system (with these variations: 3+2 or 4+1); introduced diplomas and diploma supplements - defining the level of qualification and professional competences. Simultaneously with all these activities, the process of internationalization was developed.
The internationalization strategy implies more intensive inclusion of the Faculty into the mainstream academic cooperation in the region and in Europe. In more recent times, in the framework of the Tempus Program or in the Erasmus+ projects we have been actively establishing contacts and networks of HEI. With our partners, who we have already had contacts with, we are also collaborating through other forms of academic activities: conferences, joint papers and journals, visiting professorship, research projects, joint study programs, etc. The number of new partners increases continuously. We are looking for a partner in a particular field of expertise, with experience and know-how, in order to benefit from diverse experiences, so we usually have partners from whole Europe (EU and non-EU), especially in the Balkan region, which is logical to collaborate with, because of similar languages, culture and habit.
From the aspect of mobility, the most important objective is to prepare the student to operate well in other environments. In this regard, we provide adequate study programs and joint programs of academic studies, enable the lectures of prominent foreign professors, and increase the number of foreign students at the Faculty. The international mobility is a tool to further expand/develop/disseminate the values ​​that our Faculty stands for. The main goal of the Faculty is to modernize the curriculum based on innovations so as to incorporate research results into education and introduce students to modern business.
Nowadays, the Faculty is interested in implementing programmes that will lead to the realization of joint and double diplomas. It implies the following elements: the structure of the joint study programme, the curriculum, student and academic standards, courses, resources, financial support, academic support, potential liabilities and other risks, and measures of progress and success.
Implementation of international (EU and non-EU) cooperation projects within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme
The Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship is committed to internationalization through enhancing relations with foreign universities/faculties; collaboration in international projects; improvement in cooperation, coordination and monitoring the participation in academic and other networks; enhancing study programs and tailoring its curriculum to evolving business needs; support the international mobility; organizing international conferences; contributing to the creation of a professional and competent European workforce.
Erasmus+ programme provides ample opportunities for improving all aspects of international cooperation at the Faculty. Fully aware that the quality of academic programmes and student satisfaction correlate with personal mobility experience and participation in projects, the Faculty management actively supports all initiatives coming from individual members of academic/administrative staff or from research teams or from student organizations.
The Faculty accepts all objectives of the EU Agenda. By participating at the international cooperation projects, the Faculty strives to improve management and funding, the quality of HEI, and the overall quality through mobility and international cooperation.
The support is supported by the Centar for International Cooperation, the Law Department, the Accountant’s Office, the Student Parliament, including the Director. The Faculty has also introduced the institution of the Erasmus+ Office whose duty is to help with very specific problems related to lack of experience or delicate issues. The Office is the central point for incoming/outcoming students and staff, and offers them full assistance with application, admission, accommodation, and all formalities. There is likewise the Mobility Coordinator who takes care of the realization of mobilities at the Faculty. The Office organizes special English courses that are offered to further develop the language competences of future applicants for the Erasmus+ programmes.
The Centar for International Cooperation prepared various bylaws and rulebooks which help all involved to avoid mistakes and pitfalls during applying or implementing the project. The Centar is also responsible for providing information about programme participation and execution. The Faculty web services are of big importance for the dissemination and exploitation of project results, and project sustainability. The ERASMUS+ programme is also advertised on the Faculty website focusing on mobility, with mobility activities addressed towards both students and professors.
Erasmus+ Programme has been an integral part of the strategy of internationalization. This strategy encourages student and staff mobility, promotes transnational teaching activities, enables visibility of the project results, and provides non-discrimination practice. Non-discrimination policies will be further developed through blended mobility and different kinds of support within an inclusive multi-ethnic academic culture.
Expected impact of our participation in the Erasmus+ Programme
In the future the Faculty will be oriented towards developing international activities and cooperation and consequent integration into the common EHEA. The modernisation will consider the harmonization of study programs with other HEIs in the EU, recognition of study results and credit system (ECTS points) gained through mobility, student and staff mobility, lifelong learning, promotion of EHEA, as well as supporting cross-border validation of degrees.
The Faculty is promoting goals of the renewed EU Agenda for HE:

  • tackling future skills mismatches and promoting excellence in skills development to the benefit of society,
  • building inclusive and connected higher education systems within EHEA,
  • ensuring higher education institutions contribute to innovation,
  • supporting effective and efficient higher education systems,
  • addressing inequality in education systems,
  • enhancing internationalisation in HE,
  • developing competences which will be needed for the decades to come.


In 2015, a strategy on international cooperation was implemented at the Faculty, dedicated to the Faculty’s international mobility activities. In 2017 the Faculty joined the Erasmus program as a partner institution. Our goal was to create the competencies of the institution and teachers that will be needed in the years to come. Further steps towards modernization are reflected in the development of competences through the mobility of teachers and staff.
The main objective is to modernize the procedures and improve the skills of young teachers in order to be able to be prepared for strategic partnership projects in the future. Our institutional capacity to date has proven a number of positive and sustainable impacts on all parts of the project involved and through successful implementation of the results as well as their use. It will strengthen the international, intellectual, scientific, technological and cultural relations of our institution.

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Application No 273130-EPP-1-2020-1-RS-EPPKA1-ECHE
PIC 907267579
Erasmus Code RS BELGRAD18